Photos from Hamburg

Pictures from Hamburg
1. The gothic tower
2. Groß Bismark, petit French guy
3. Desserts at the red light district (the top row rocks)
Who would have ever told me that I'd be sitting in a lab in Göttingen, writing in English, listening to Greek radio, and trying to save the world through plastic devices? Noooo
No traveling this weekend; I have to move to the university dorms (now I live at the MPI haus) and I'll try to be a bit productive, so I'll stay here. But next weekend, I'LL BE IN ATHENS!! I can't even go to the movies here...because they're dubbed (ti kako ki auto!). I can't really watch TV, because it's dubbed! OK, I watched CSI last night, but that was too easy. Someone kills someone else and they all try to find the killer.
But I don't understand why they would spend so much money to dub everything; and it's really high quality: not like the Russians who use one male and one female for all voices! Not to mention that they use the same voice for a particular actor. So, if this person dubs some other actor everyone will be sooo confused !! Plus, imagine never knowing the true voice of Tom Cruise ! Or listening Schwarzenegger speaking really fast Italian! (I thought it was really ridiculous - in Italy they dub everything as well)
It's raining and I'm stuck in the lab thinking that the bike is not of much use in such days. Everyone has one and everyone seems to respect bikes a lot, including cars and pedestrians. But, unlike crazy Boston, where the bike roads are on the side of the street and are full of holes and bumps, here bike ways are on the pavement (secure) and color coded different color from the pedestrian pavement! I think we should do sth to get bike roads in Athens too, OK, not everywhere, but definitely close to the center. After all, it rarely rains and only in the summer it is extremely hot. Spring and autumn are really nice.
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