Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Return

Ho,ho, ho! I'm back in action and I've changed continent!
I'll post some latest Munich, Strasbourg, Heidelberg pictures soon. Zo,

I'm sure you didn't miss me, now that Ahmadinejad has a blog too. I don't know who came up with the idea, but it must have been some pretty smart advertiser. Pretty good move to spread his opinions,eh?

My Birthday
Yesterday was my B-day. Happy times, eh? So I gathered a few friends and went to the ONLY
German restaurant in Boston (yes to Franziskaner Weissbier! yes to sauerkraut) where I'm asked for my ID. "What ID?" I asked and then wanted to hit my head against the wall. I had completely forgotten the fact that even though I'm I'm still carded (OK, to be true, earlier we went with Josh for margaritas and noone asked for an ID)
Also, Josh, please don't wait for two years for the website idea to work. Apply and defer.

Last weekend my parents came to Germany and we headed to Heidelberg, even
though I was more keen to go to Berlin. The place is nice and picturesque, with river Neckar
transversing the city and a large palace overlooking.
Great points:
That's a 55,000 gallons / 220.000 liters wine barrel.
Imagine the parties I'd throw if I had that much wine around.
Yes, take your sweetheart and go to the cruise. Chances are is will be freezing, so you'll need to hug.

Leaving the lab

I swear to mein Gott: I wanted to cry. I had such a good time. And the guys gave me a Georg August Universitaet Goettingen T-shirt and a German Asterix and the Olympic Games, trying to combine my Greekness with Deutschland. Cute! Smart! And in paperback!

Strasbourg, Frankreich
Yes, Frankreich, because at the Deutsche Bahn website if you just write Strasbourg it will give you a million choices! Also, can someone tell me why it is not written Strasburg (as opposed to -ou-) ? Gabriel, any ideas?
Zo, being in a place that I could (finally) understand what was going on and what was being said, I decided to roam the place as much as I could.

...I have to leave... (to be continued with pictures added)


At 2:36 PM, Blogger Himavan said...

Belated Happy B'day!

Have a good time...:)

Thanks for dropping by!


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