Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11th

I nearly forgot that today was September 11th. And then I switched on the TV of the student center...Five years ago I was a freshman in college. I had just met some of the people that are still in my life and I went to attend the NCAA orientation. When this finished and I headed back to my dorm, I saw tons of people at the common room where the TV was. I had no idea what was going on, but chances were it involved food for so many people to be around. When I entered, people were crying, eyes were stuck on the TV and a general panick feeling was in the air. A few minutes later I tried to call my parents with my Greek cell phone. No connection. With the regular phone. No connection.

Of course, without TV, our days after September 11th were much calmer that for most of the rest of the Western world. September 11th was also registration day for the uppeclassmen. for the record, nothing could predict that morning what the world would be today, the visa issues, the security checks, the elections, the war in Iraq...


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